2 Replies to “JOB DESCRIPTIONS Ver. 1.0 (2018/10/07)”

  1. Good Day Iacopo,
    I was very sorry to see that the BOT was still up to their tricks at the AGA. It is certainly a poor situation that the KC finds itself in. The BOT is the same old names for the last two or three years and they have done nothing to change things other than increase the burden on members while reducing the value of club membership.
    As you may know I sent my proxy vote to the AGA with my wife Kei.
    In your list of reciprocal clubs I did not see a mention of the Pacific Club in HI. It is a good club that was on its back-side a few years ago but instituted an action plan that saved the club and its membership.
    As to the BOT authority to approve, dismiss or modify proposals that address the stewardship of the club I question if this is included in the AOA, Byelaws or Ippan Sadan Law? It seems to me the membership should be the deciding factor, although it is manipulated by the BOT’s ability to approve or reject anything that deals with a membership voting process.
    Once again this BOT has its head in the sand and does not entertain any new ideas from the membership.
    Like a new President in an established company finds it easy to save money by reducing staff (one of the easiest action plans) the BOT can only see the need to increase the fees which is negative in the long run.

    1. Dear Bill,

      Thank you for your comment.
      To be honest, I was a little afraid that they would let me become a Trustee.
      Since my vote would have been in minority anyway, my influence would have been minimal.
      And for the observers, it would have appeared that despite my words and actions the situation was inevitable.
      For this reason, I am happy to have more time and more resources to organize an alternative proposal.
      Of course, what comes out defeated is the democracy and trust in the Club institutions.

      I had little time and just listed some of the reciprocal Clubs but will definitely add the Pacific Club in the next few days!

      As always, thank you for your friendship, wisdom and advice☆彡

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